President Jen Speers Rachel Bartlone |
Secretary Melissa Linville |
Treasurer Kate Vo |
Parlimentarian Victoria Tucker |
Vice President 1 - Fundraising Kristy Favalli |
Vice President 2 - School Enrichment Amanda Masters |
Vice President 3 - Operations Christina Lea |
Vice President 4 - Community Outreach |
Jeannie Hunt Community Member-At-Large Lauren Smith Teacher Representative Mrs. Kittelson
Become a member of the COLTS community! JOIN our PTO.
Did you know that Northwestern Middle School PTO and Milton High School PTO also use this platform for their website and memberships? What does that mean? It means you can use the same account and the same log-in for all three schools! Download the MembershipToolkit App to access the school directory and calendar from your phone. You will be able to see all your PTO memberships in one place!