Community Partners Form 2024-2025 (pay online)

Thank you for your support as a Colts Community Partner! We are looking forward to working with you in the coming school year. Instructions to pay online via credit card are below. (If you are selecting a non-monetary sponsorship, or would prefer to pay via check, please click here.)

To become a Colts Community Partner:

  1. Fill out the form below and submit with credit card payment. 
  2. Email your company logo(s) to using the subject line: "Colts Community Partners Logo." Please send jpg/png logos, and an eps file (when available). Color and/or BW are accepted.
  3. A member of the CCES PTO will be in touch to coordinate any details for Walk to School events, Spirit Nights, promos, etc.

Please provide text below to use for our Facebook and principal’s newsletter spotlights. The purpose of the spotlight is to let our families know not only who you are and what you do, but also what your connection is to our school and community. For example: What is your connection to the school? Do your children attend our schools? Do you live in the area? Is your business near the school? You've been a partner for __ year(s). How does your business benefit a family/student? Spotlight text does not need to be long; we suggest a minimum of 3 sentences, and a maximum of 6. Please feel free to email a photo/family picture for your spotlight (something different than a copy logo) to with the subject line: "Community Partner Spotlight photo."

Colts Parnterships
 COLTS PLATINUM Partner more
 COLTS BLUE Partner more
 COLTS WHITE Partner more
Please select the sponsorship opportunity you wish to participate in. A PTO member will contact you to coordinate donations, scheduling, etc.

Click HERE to see detailed descriptions of these sponsorship opportunities.

Other Sponsorships
Monetary donations more

As we look ahead to the new school year, the CCES PTO remains committed to connecting our school, which is comprised of some 400 families (with a projected enrollment of over 600 students) with the local community. We know we are all stronger together, and we would love to partner with you in a capacity that helps keep Crabapple Crossing Elementary School and our community partners thriving! 

All partnerships are tax-deductible.  DLN: 17053188331025


Support CCES PTO when you shop on amazon. Just click logo to connect.